Browser Performance

My browser slows down significantly when I have multiple parallel sessions open. Is there any way to optimize the performance of these sessions to prevent lag, crashes, or high memory usage?

Yeah, I’ve been dealing with that too. When I have multiple sessions running in parallel, the browser just crashes or becomes super slow. It’s so frustrating.

I get that. It’s mostly due to how browsers handle memory and processes. Each session or tab can take up a lot of resources, especially if you’ve got heavy sites running.

So, is there any way to optimize it? I’ve tried closing some tabs, but it doesn’t always help much.

One thing you can try is using extensions like “The Great Suspender” or “One Tab.” They’ll either put inactive tabs to sleep or consolidate them into one tab to save memory. Have you tried something like that?

I’ve heard of those! I’ll give it a go. Also, do you think I should clear my browser cache more often? I’ve been getting some weird slowdowns, especially after long browsing sessions.