AD Accounts Getting Locked Out

We have had a few users that have saved their UN/PW in the 2X client and they can’t remember where they did this. They change their PW and then their account starts locking out. The DC only shows that it locked out on one of the 2X servers.
Our 2X admin has left the company. We need to know where to go to lookup where the user logged in from (the PC). The 2X admin used to do this for the helpdesk.

If your users are using the Parallels Client they should get a logon prompt if their credentials are incorrect, unless your account lockout threshold is very low.
I would personally first clear all cached session ids so that they get the login prompt (on the console: Connection > Settings > Clear cached session ids).

If you prefer to investigate the problem manually:
RAS v16 logs should be available at: “C:\ProgramData\Parallels\RASLogs” (on the server). I would check for failed logons in controller.log (on the server where the publishing agent is installed) for errors with the error code “06/0000000D”.
If that does not help, windows also logs failed logons on the server in “event viewer > security”.