A noob question but I can't seem to find this

Is the RAS strictly to make Windows environments easy to use remotely? We currently are a mostly (99%) Mac environment with a Windows time clock and a Fedora box or 2. I realize that Parallels has usually made their money with VMs to run Windows on Mac. I had one when we first switched to Mac and kept it until i realized I never used it anymore. Now I have Ubuntu and Fedora VMs.

I have a need to some of my co-workers to be able to log in from home to do work that may pop up in the evenings or over a weekend that needs to be handled but shouldn’t require a trip in. Can the RAS do this for us? The co-workers in question have Macs at home and we’ll be connecting to a Mac environment at work.

Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

Your understanding of the main RAS use case is correct. In your case, you should look at Parallels Access. It allows access to Mac and Windows machines on the go or via a Web Console. Although it is marked as “for home”, they do have a business plan available.